######M-POINTm_DATEDATE_timeDEPTHTOsMcolle The header line above may be copied and pasted into your text data file. Please use this to see if your format is accurate and the data elements are in straight lines top to bottom. Often the header line can help identify if a data element has a truncated leading zero for a month or day or some other imperfection. This will be noted as there are not straight lines for the data elements. When there is a format problem, you will find the elements are not in a staight line top to bottom. Find the ones out of place and evaluate the data element field lenght to see what may be amiss. Below is a key with the data elements in the header line identified above. Also there is information on the field length for the data element. If there are valid value or if a value must be captured in a reference table before use it will reference a reference table. The data elements and data records in the notepad or text file should line up under the header line. If it does not, check to see if there is an error in the data elements and record. Hopefully, the header line and the definitions for the data elements represented in the header line will help ensure accurate and complete text file submittals. Please remove the header line before transmitting the file to ADEQ or placement in the Uploaded File List table in the database. Let us know of any questions or suggestions for improvement. ###### = ADEQ Well number (field length 6 characters - left justified blanks spaces make up unpopulated character spaces) M-Point = Reference Measuring Point evelation relative to sea level (field length 7 characters - left justified blanks spaces make up unpopulated character spaces) m = Method That elevation determined _ see Ref_Spatial_Method in reference table area or static web page reference tables (field length 1 characters - select a single character code) _DATEDATE_ = Date of Water Level Measurement (field length 10 characters - 01/31/2020 example - must include leading zeros -left justified blanks spaces make up unpopulated character spaces) time = time - miltary time (field length 4 characters - 0001 to 2359 hhmm hh 0-23 mm 0-59 left justified blanks spaces make up unpopulated character spaces) DEPTHTO = measured deth to water from reference measuring point. (field length 7 characters - measured distance from reference measuring point to top of water table. May have adjustmenys for free product displacement. left justified blanks spaces make up unpopulated character spaces) s = well status code see Ref_Well Status main tabs in reference area see Well Status in reference table area or static web page reference tables (field length 1 characters - select a single character code or may be blank space nothing unusual)(field length 1 characters - M = water level measuring method Ref_Water Level Measurung Method main tabs in reference area see water level measuring method in reference table area or static web page reference tables (field length 1 characters - select a single character code)(field length 1 characters - colle = collecting agency code same as source agency code - Who took water level measurement organizationally (field length 5 characters - left justified blanks spaces make up unpopulated character spaces)